Enoggera & Districts


of the
Enoggera & Districts Historical Society


Newsletter Numbering Update
At our general meeting on Sunday, 15 September, member Ian Gunn suggested that the new numbering system should commence with Volume 2. I agree fully. Only after sending out the previous newsletter did I see that earlier newsletters did in fact use the Volume 1 and No system. Hence, and please forgive me if I make this confusing, could you mark the last newsletter as Volume 2 No 1 - September 2002. This will then separate the earlier newsletters from the present ones.

Greetings to Everyone
I hope this newsletter finds you all in good health and spirits. So much has happened in such a short space of time that it was felt another newsletter wouldn’t go astray in keeping you informed. As this will be the last newsletter for the year, may I wish each and everyone a very safe and happy Christmas and a prosperous New Year.

Jumble (Trash & Treasure) Sale
The response for articles for our Jumble Sale on Saturday 26 October 2002 has been tremendous and will ensure that this will be a mammoth Jumble Sale indeed. Now the task is to spread the word to all and sundry - you can help here by telling your neighbours, family, friends and associates. We will produce the flyers for distribution around the suburban letterboxes and community notice boards at the shopping centres, and get advertising on the radio and in the newspapers - both in the Weekend Shopper section of the Saturday Courier Mail newspaper and hopefully in the relevant community sections of the local newspapers.

Butter Churn Donation
Member Elenore Hausler has kindly donated an home-made butter churn comprising a metal cylinder with a wooden top with what can only be described as a “plunger”. Cream was put in and the resultant movement made butter. Look for it at our “All Your Yesterdays” Show.

The churn was made, we believe, by Elenore’s father. (“Almost as good as putting grass in one end and getting milk out the other”, said the cow.)

Snippets from the General Meeting

  • Kate Perry’s nomination for Life Membership that was carried unanimously by the well attended meeting. Our sincere congratulations Kate on this well deserved award.
  • Impromptu guest speaker at the meeting was Robert Heussler. He is a great grandchild of John Christian Heussler, early land owner in the Enoggera District and builder of the original Fernberg house, now Government House at Bardon.

    Robert was attending the golden jubilee celebrations at St Michael’s Dorrington and was promptly requested to attend our general meeting the following day and speak on a book he published about his great grandfather called, A Colonial Father—THE STORY OF GERMAN-BORN QUEENSLANDER J C HEUSSLER as told by his great grandson Robert C Heussler.

    The seed for Robert’s attendance at Dorrington was planted when E.D.H.S. members attended the “Family History Fair” at Mt Gravatt showgrounds back in May 2002, and Greg Hay purchased the book from the author who was promoting it at the time. Greg told him about the golden jubilee celebrations and the fact that the church was built on property previously owned by his great grandfather, a fact not previously known by Robert.

    During his short stay, new member, Marcia Logan and Greg Hay took Robert on a tour of the original Heussler Terrace, now only a small section leading towards Bardon from Lang Park and showed him some other local historical sites.

  • The Gap Historical Society made contact with us about a special collection of photographs and memorabilia they were displaying on the weekend of 12 and 13 October 2002. The display was called The Colin Francis Bennett Collection - Colin Fanning was an early historian in the Gap area and collected an enormous amount of material during his lifetime.

    This is the first time his collection has been placed on display and we received an official invitation to attend. As the event is now over we can inform you that the collection was spectacular. A number of moments were captured by the box Brownie and I hope to upload some of these to our web pages for viewing.

    An aside to all this, while looking through the collection Greg Hay noticed a family tree diagram with names he recognized belonging to a resident of “Ashworth House” at Zillmere - a lovely lady who asked him some time ago to help trace her family history. That night he was able to arrange through the nursing home for this person to attend the next morning both to view the collection - which is all about her family - and to meet some of her extended family members as well. Apart from the wonderful memories she will treasure, she now has direct contact with her family who intend keeping her up to date in the lineage line.

  • The meeting approved the securing of an internet web domain name for E.D.H.S. and several name suggestions were offered for consideration.
  • Ann Bennison, local Councillor for Enoggera and society member advised the meeting that the Alderley / Enoggera Neighbourhood Watch is once again organising another “Fun Day in the Park” at Willmington Park, Alderley (bounded by Edith, Hilda and Moore Streets) on Saturday 2 November 2002, commencing at 1 p.m. - This promises to be a great afternoon with a special Tree Planting section.
  • Naturally, we will be there once again with a display, so don’t miss the opportunity of attending, and while you are there come up and say G’day.
  • Some members have advised they are happy to receive the newsletter via our web pages on the internet - thank you for the feedback.
  • ALL YOUR YESTERDAYS - Once again the extensive display All Your Yesterdays will be our main feature to conclude the year’s events and to greet in the New Year with ‘auld’ and new acquaintances alike. Occurring over a three day period - Monday 30 and Tuesday 31 December 2002 and Wednesday 1 January 2003 - the display will be shown in the main section of the Enoggera Memorial Hall and admission will be by donation.

    This is a great opportunity to peruse the extensive collection of historical material held by the society which cannot be put out on display during the normal opening hours due to lack of exhibiting space.

    Come along and revisit the collection, meet some friends or just have a chatter and if you have family or friends over for a visit, they will be more than welcome to attend.

    The Dates Again:
    30 and 31 December 2002; and
    1 January 2003 (New Year’s Day).

Remember to pencil the dates into your diary - Now!!!

Bottle Collection
On 24 September 2002, we were visited by Mr Gerard O’Carroll, a keen bottle collector. He donated nine old bottles dating from the 1880’s to the 1920’s to the society. They included:

1 salad dressing bottle
1 blue castor oil bottle
3 softdrink bottles with marble & stopper (Helidon Spa)
1 pottery ginger beer bottle
1 Codd’s bottle (Codd’s brand name)
1 gin bottle
1 large square ink container

Most of the glass bottles were hand blown and some were imported from England and used on ships as ballast.

What a bottler they are!!! - Catch them at the “All Your Yesterdays” Display

I don’t suppose that in another 100 years there will be that much interest in locating “plastic” bottles!...not that it matters much even today.

Once again our tireless member Raylene Chimes hasn’t let us down with some great snippets which are produced below.

Raylene Chimes


Advantage was taken of the delay in the dispatch of the fourth Queensland contingent to tender a presentation and send off in the form of a smoke concert to Mr Fred Wilson at the Oddfellows Hall, Enoggera. The chair was taken by Mr R. W. Thurlow who was supported by the guest of the evening and Messrs G. Harrop & A. Keilar, members of the contingent. Mr Thurlow, in making the presentation (a gold opal ring and silver matchbox) spoke of the loyalty of the young fellows who had volunteered for service in South Africa. Messrs Harrop & Keilar were each also presented with a suitable souvenir. The rest of the evening was devoted to music. The gathering broke up at a late hour with the singing of “God Save the Queen” and “Auld Lang Syne”. Departed for South Africa 18 May 1900 Returned 6 August 1901.

Brisbane Courier - 14 September 1901

A delightful private dance was given by Mr & Mrs R. W. Thurlow to celebrate the return of some of “our boys” (Including a nephew of the hostess) at the Oddfellows Hall, Enoggera on Thursday evening. The hall was decorated with bunting and greenery and the huge tables were loaded with good things supplied by Rowe which included two large iced cakes bearing the inscription “Welcome to Our Boys”. The guests, after being heartily welcomed by Mr & Mrs Thurlow, were ushered into the ballroom where at 8 o’clock McKennairey’s band struck up one of the delightful and popular “Florandora” waltzes in which about eighty guests took part and in dancing, songs and recitations passed a most enjoyable evening.


A reminder that we are standing by to record any history of your home and family. Your achievements, the work of your ancestors throughout the years - the changes... housing, streets, shops, churches, meeting places. At this time when changes are affected so quickly it is important to record details as soon as possible.

Mitcham Street Gaythorne
By the way does any member have details of the history of “Gladstone House” at No.24 Mitcham Street, Gaythorne - an inquiry from Connie Carnegie present at the Gap Historical Society Display. The President has since taken photographs of this residence and another at No. 17 - for future prosperity.

PLEASE NOTE Annual membership fees become due on 1st January 2003. Please complete and return the above Renewal Form with your payment to the Secretary, PO Box 200, Alderley 4051. Make cheques payable to Enoggera & Districts Historical Society Inc. We would appreciate your continuing your membership. If a red sticker appears on your newsletter it means our records show you have been unfinancial during the previous year. However, as a goodwill gesture we have continued to send the newsletters to you, but unless membership renewal fees are received no further newsletters will be sent.


Closed from: Thursday 5 December 2002
Reopens on: Tuesday 4 February 2003

Except: All Your Yesterdays Display - 30 and 31 December 2002, and 1 January 2003