Enoggera & Districts


of the
Enoggera & Districts Historical Society


Newsletter Numbering System
A big hello to everyone. In this issue you will notice some changes. Firstly, the introduction or could it be re-introduction of a numbering system to keep track of newsletter issues. This should assist both you and I and our Secretary, Olive Barlow, in ensuring we have the latest issue and it may help in the filing department as well.

Web Pages
As promised some time back, we now have our very own web page for the whole world to see. There are actually several web pages with headings like: What’s New; Home; Membership; Publications; Newsletters; History Room; Photographs and Memorial Hall that contain photographs or information relating to the page heading.

The pages can be viewed at: www.iseekin.com.au/EDHS/index.htm

If you do not have internet access yourself, then go to your local library and ask the librarian if they have computers with an internet connection that you can use. I am sure the staff will be most helpful. If you intend being at our next General Meeting on Sunday, 15 September, 2002, I will show you these pages on my computer. Personally speaking, I think they look pretty darn good.

Progressively the pages can be added to with a variety of information that will help the local community (in internet language - that takes in the global community as well) know what is happening around our way. Greg Hay took the opportunity of telling the world about the new site by posting messages on genealogical newsgroup sites and so far we have had several people make contact with us, either by completing the membership form and sending it in or sending us an email message requesting information etc. It could also be a way of saving some postage money as well, because the newsletter could be viewed on-line and you could print a copy yourself if needed. The only difference is there will be no additional graphics like what you see scattered on some of these pages—they cause the web pages to take too long to load onto the computer screen. Please give some feedback on what you think about the web pages, and also if you would prefer your copy on-line rather than be posted to you.

History Room - New Opening Hours
Also note the new opening times for the Society on both days are between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. This has been necessary because of commitment and transport aspects of the volunteers who help at the History Room each open day, particularly since Kate Perry underwent heart surgery.

We are very pleased to report that Kate’s operation was successful and she has asked me to convey to each of you the following message:

“I am taking the liberty of writing a personal note to all members of E.D.H.S. through the newsletter that I have edited and written for several years. Having survived a frightening heart attach and major surgery to get me back on my feet and the even longer period of recovery, I just have to ask for a little space to say “Thank You” for all the cards and letters and phone calls wishing me well. Further to this I want to say “Thank You” to everyone who kept the society ticking over and functioning, I am proud of you all!! Meetings, bus trips, open days, history enquiries went on like clockwork—what more could you ask from such a wonderful bunch. Hoping to be back soon!! - Kate Perry.”

The old saying, “You don’t miss something until you can’t have it” holds very true - I can assure everyone that Kate was missed very much by many people during her short absence. From us all, we wish you Kate a speedy recovery to your former self and I won’t tell anyone that you have already returned to the History Room.

Local Events
Lots of interesting events have taken place or are just about to take place within our local area.

The Kate Perry Units While on the subject of Kate Perry, did you know she was honoured with the naming of an Housing Unit Complex in her name called The Kate Perry Units at the intersection of Hurdcotte and Pickering Streets, Enoggera on Tuesday, 25 June 2002. The official opening was attended by distinguished guests, family, friends and tenants of the new complex - the latter each being presented with a potted plant to commemorate the occasion. Many photographs were taken on the day and some have already made their way to our web site. Congratulations Kate - a most deserving honour and distinction I must say. By the way straight after the ceremony Kate was off to hospital for her scheduled heart operation but not before her taking to her feet and responding to the unveiling of the official plaque and giving the audience a background to her existence in the district and a little bit of local history to boot, at times having us laughing in the aisles. The plaque has since been mounted near the letterboxes of the complex on Hurdcotte Street.

Emmanuel Uniting Church at 249 South Pine Road next to the Enoggera State School, celebrated its 100 years of Ministry 1902 - 2002, during the weekend of 2 - 4 August 2002. Heather McDonald OAM, from the church had been at the History Room researching material for their celebratory booklet months before and the organising committee requested the society’s presence with a display.

There were many things happening during the weekend of celebration and Greg Hay was there for the lot. There was a fashion show with ladies fashions from throughout the period 1865 up to more recent times; a bush dance; church services; other displays; choral singing from a talented group combining both men’s and women’s voices and youth activities.

A number of the PHOTOS Click here to view - from the occasion are now adorning our web site if you have an opportunity to take a look in there. The history of the church is most fascinating and well documented by Heather McDonald. Copies of their booklet have been donated by the committee to E.D.H.S. but the church still has some copies of the booklet to sell at $5.00. They also gave us a CD of scans of photos of the original churches that were around the district several years ago. This was followed up by a lovely thank-you letter and a wonderful donation from the organising committee of $50.00 to our society.

Congratulations to everyone at the church involved in the splendid celebrations.

St Michael’s Church - Dorrington at 250 Banks Street, Dorrington will be celebrating their Golden Anniversary of the formation of the Parish in 1952 with a display of memorabilia and local history in the Church Hall during the following dates and times - parking is also available at the Hall on the lower terrace behind the church: PHOTOS Click here to view

Saturday, 14 Sep 3.00 p.m. - 9.30 p.m.
Sunday, 15 Sep 9.30 a.m. - 8.30 p.m.

The society will be there with a display to compliment other material that will be on display from other sources.

A book has been produced by Marcia Logan for the occasion that captures not only the history of the church and it’s people but historical facts about the surrounding streets and suburbs including some early land ownership. Books are available for purchase at $11.00 or $15.00 posted (GST inc.) Inquiries to Greg Hay if you want a copy.

Marcia was so taken with the support received from our society she and her family have become members. There is also a celebratory lunch after 10 a.m. Mass on Sunday, 29 September 2002 - but you had better hurry as seating is limited. Cost is $12.00 each and you can book by ringing Bill on 07 - 33567106.

General Meeting If you are observant you will have noticed that the above event coincides with our general meeting at 2 p.m. Sunday, 15 September 2002 - which will still be going ahead - so your help and presence at both would be greatly appreciated.

Picabeen Community Meanwhile, at 22 Hoben Street, Mitchelton, the Picabeen Community will be having their Annual General Meeting at 11 a.m. on Saturday, 14 September, 2002, which will be followed by a lunch at 12.30 p.m. and the organisers have asked E.D.H.S. to mount a display focusing on the Mitchelton area.

As you can see there is so much happening that we really do need some help, so please, if you can help out at any of the displays, let Greg Hay know on 07 - 33550972. What is demonstrated both in thought and deed is that we hold true to our motto, “Helping the Local Community Discover It’s History” every time we help out with these displays.

At Emanuel Uniting we sold several of our publications, received donations and met a past resident of “Ivanhoe,” Paul Gibson and his wife. “Ivanhoe” was the former residence of James Boyne Hall and family, pioneers of Enoggera, and the house, now separated into two houses still exist at the corner of Wardell and South Pine Road. Paul’s family is one and the same Gibson’s Hardware at Newmarket. Apart from chatting about this and that we have updated our records with his contact details - plus he purchased four Enoggera District Heritage Trail books for his family in which the house “Ivanhoe” is described.

We also renewed acquaintances with Geoff Richards who is both a past student and teacher at Enoggera State School who was attending the celebrations and not to mention members of the Lugg family, who have a long history in the Enoggera district and who have donated memorabilia to the society.

We seem to receive tremendous support from our community who enjoy our humble presence at their events and this in turn gives us much more in return in the friendships forged, the acquaintances made, the publications sold, and the gathering of vital information about our history from the people who attend - as Big Kev would say, “I’m excited!!!”

National CommunityLink Awards
At our last general meeting our secretary, Olive Barlow, mentioned a brochure we had received encouraging volunteer organizations to submit entries to this award scheme. Later, I was to contact our life member, Melva Welch, who advised me that there was more to the submission than met the eye. Following on from that I hesitated initially on whether there would be sufficient time to get the application in, that is, being the very last day. However, I bit the bullet and proceeded in a forward direction completing the application late into the night. Thank goodness they accepted email responses and I posted the submission with a few hours to spare.

What all this means is, that we are in with a chance to either receive a monetary grant of either $1,000 or $7,000 and/or an award for recognition of the efforts of our volunteer group involved in the event on which the submission was based - in our case I based the submission on our three day event, “All Your Yesterdays,” that was held over the Christmas/New Year holiday period.

There are a number of people I would like to thank by way of support for the submission. Firstly, Melva Welch who took the time to advise me what was involved and her suggestion on what to base the submission on. Secondly and thirdly, the letters of support and encouragement from both Jim Fouras MLA for Ashgrove and Geoff Wilson MLA for Ferny Grove. The attachment of references was a requirement for the submission to be accepted. Mr Wilson has particularly asked me to convey to members his best wishes and ongoing support for the society and the good work we do within our community. Success or otherwise in our nomination, it was worth the journey.

Raylene Chimes

From Our Files Brisbane Courier—12 March 1869

It has been asserted that no fish could live or would venture to make the trip from the Enoggera Dam to Brisbane along the waterpipe, but yesterday we had a practical refutation of the assertion in a glass of water drawn from a tap at the Parliamentary buildings. A young eel, about an inch & a half in length “put in an appearance” and did not seem to be discommoded in the slightest degree by his seven mile trip along the pipes. He wriggled about in the most lively manner, as though proud of his achievement.

Some years ago we were donated a box of unknown photos by Mr Vic Marshall of Mitchelton. After many hours of research we have learned the photos belonged to Eliza Marshall (nee Hilder) wife of Charlie (Vic’s grandmother). After more research we now know most of the photos are of the Hilder family of the Gap. Jeff Hilder has kindly identified some of the photos. This is greatly appreciated.

Copies of the photos have been given to the Gap Historical Society for their collection.

The Gap Historical Society officially opened in June with a 3 day exhibition over the Queen’s Birthday weekend. Their display of photographs and maps was well presented.

Melva Welch has given us a box of photos from the Samford Historical Society. They were donated by Arthur Sutton, son of Henrietta Marshall. Unfortunately, we have no names on these photos and probably never will have. Most of the collection were photos from England and the dresses the ladies wore between 1870 - 1890 are most interesting.

Our member, Fred Davis perused the photos and amazed us with his knowledge. We have two photos of Queen Victoria’s children. One is of Edward VII and the other of his sister. Fred also knew Arthur Sutton. Thanks Melva for these photos.

...and thank you Raylene

Like always there’s so much to say and so very little room to say it!!!

Enoggera & Districts Historical Society
Saturday—26 October 2002

We are once again holding a Jumble Sale in the back room on the above date and are appealing for donations of items that we could include in the sale. Also if you could help out during the sale please let us know. Items may be left with Kate Perry or if you need a hand in moving the item/s or you would prefer them to be collected either let Kate Perry (33550915) or Greg Hay (33550972) know.

[Feedback - A great day making over $400 - Thank you everyone for your wonderful support]